A Collaborative Approach for an Effective and Comprehensive Scope 3 Strategy
The heat is on for many companies to start measuring, reporting, and reducing their Scope 3 emissions. Conquering Scope 3 emissions requires a collaborative approach to ensure efficiency and accuracy. Sustainable Solutions Corporation (SSC) is proud to support some of the world’s most sustainable companies by being their go-to partner for holistic Scope 3 strategies.
SSC’s approach includes a 3-step process that cultivates teamwork and collaboration through a detailed inventory of your Scope 3 emissions and hands-on education for procurement teams and suppliers.
Step 1: Complete Scope 3 Emissions Inventory
Scope 3 emissions can represent up to 90% of your company's emissions. You can’t calculate your Scope 3 emissions without conducting a Scope 3 Emissions Inventory. It is the critical first step in understanding which categories and suppliers have the biggest impact on your Scope 3 GHG emissions.
There are multiple layers to your Scope 3 analysis. It starts with the Scope 3 Emissions Inventory and continues with ongoing Scope 3 inventories and supplier engagement. The goal is to improve data quality over time and eventually receive primary data from your suppliers.
Expected Results of Scope 3 Emissions Inventory:
The expected results of a Scope 3 Emissions Inventory Analysis would be a pie chart indicating the top Scope 3 categories for your company. This information would offer a starting point for a deeper dive into the Purchased Goods and Services category.
This allows you to complete a more detailed and focused inventory that includes refined calculation methods. It also helps with starting a supplier engagement program for top suppliers.
Category 1: Purchased Goods and Services
Step 2: Train Sourcing and Procurement Teams
Sourcing and procurement teams are typically responsible for interactions with suppliers as well as energy purchased for the company. Providing robust training and education for sourcing and procurement teams is critical because they have the most knowledge of your company’s purchasing practices and direct relationships with the suppliers. Most companies overlook this step when creating their Scope 3 plan which can lead to gaps and significant delays in developing a complete inventory and collaborative supplier engagement strategy.
This training is delivered directly to your company’s sourcing and procurement teams. Our team can deliver the sessions virtually via webinar or in person.
The goal of this training is to help your sourcing and procurement teams understand the importance of sustainable supply chains, their specific role in Scope 3 reduction, and how to engage the suppliers they communicate with to meet your company’s Scope 3 goals.
SSC collaborates with your company to ensure that all training materials are in alignment with your specific company, industry, supply chain, and sustainability goals.
(3) 1-Hour Webinar Training Sessions or One Half-Day In-Person Training Including:
Option of Virtual Webinars or In-Person Sessions
Customized Training Specific to Your Company, Industry, and Supply Chain
Training Delivered by SSC Sustainability Experts
Interactive Exercises
Webinar Sessions are Recorded For Ongoing Use by Existing and New Employees
Copies of the Three Training Presentations in PDF Format for Future Reference by Existing and New Employees
Expected Benefits:
After completing SSC’s Scope 3 Training Academy, sourcing and procurement teams will be able to:
Confidently speak about Scope 3 emissions and your company’s activities for suppliers
Provide a roadmap to develop a supplier engagement strategy
Reduce costs through better resource utilization
Educate your procurement teams on overall sustainability strategies and grow your team
Step 3: Train Suppliers
Training and educating suppliers has become imperative as one of the top Scope 3 categories for most companies is Purchased Goods and Services. Typical approaches utilized by other companies include surveys and self-led education through recorded webinars and generic online tools.
The challenge with this type of data collection and training is that you don’t have visibility into whether or not your suppliers are taking action to measure and reduce their Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions and ultimately help your company achieve your Scope 3 reduction goals.
SSC recommends a collaborative approach with suppliers. This approach includes live education and training sessions delivered by SSC’s decarbonization experts. Our training sessions are accompanied by a comprehensive workbook and 5 additional hours of live support per module to ensure that suppliers are completing the necessary steps to measure, report, and reduce their Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions in alignment with the GHG Protocol.
This training is delivered directly to your suppliers. A dedicated sustainability expert at SSC will be assigned to present each session live. A minimum of 20 suppliers is required in order to begin the training.
Each of our instructors can accommodate between 20 and 50 suppliers per module. We allow for participation from up to 3 people from the same supplier company making our maximum class size 150 participants total.
This size gives our instructors the ability to offer a total of 5 hours of additional support to suppliers throughout the module.
3 Webinar-Based Training Modules Including:
4 Sessions in Each Module
4 Months per Module equaling 12 Months Total if Completing All Modules
Interactive Exercises
Workbooks and Resources
Software for Measuring, Compiling, and Reporting Scope 1, 2, and Eventually Scope 3 Emissions is Available for an Additional Fee
Assigned SSC Team Member for Suppliers to Contact with Questions
Expected Benefits:
After completing SSC’s Scope 3 Training Academy, suppliers will be able to:
Understand and measure their GHG emissions to provide primary data to your company.
Reduce their carbon footprint and help them meet Scope 3 reduction goals and science-based targets.
Utilize the workbook and course materials to help drive continuous improvement within their operations.
Develop sustainability goals, carbon reduction goals, and measure their Scope 3 emissions to set their science-based targets.
Why Choose SSC?
At SSC, education has been the foundation of our business. Leveraging 23 years focused solely on sustainability with applied international experience and industry-leading expertise, our experts have perfected a system that is designed to seamlessly incorporate sustainability into our client’s operations to serve as a business strategy and a profit center.
Training and education is built into our proven process to empower our clients to be drivers of positive global change.
SSC Curates an Inclusive Learning Experience
SSC takes pride in our ability to take complex topics and create training presentations and educational materials that deliver the information in a way that is compelling and easy to understand.
We utilize a multi-media approach designed to provide content that is inclusive to all learning styles.
Podcast Episode
Podcast Episode
Podcast episode
Recorded May 15, 2024
New regulations as well as commitments and requirements from large organizations are pushing companies to measure Scope 3 emissions and set science-based targets. The truth is most companies often feel overwhelmed by the scale of this effort and don’t know where to start. In this educational webinar, Tad Radzinski provides actionable steps for measuring, reporting, and reducing your Scope 3 Emissions.
In this hands-on learning experience, Tad will discuss:
An Overview of Scope 1, 2, and 3 Emissions
Various Regulations and Market Drivers for Measuring, Reporting, and Reducing Scope 3 Emissions
Strategies for Measuring and Reporting Scope 1, 2, and 3 Emissions
Scope 3 Baselining/Hot Spot Process for Identifying Your Company's Top Scope 3 Categories
The Importance of Suppliers in Measuring and Reducing Scope 3 Emissions
Measuring and Reporting Scope 3 Emissions for Continuous Data Improvement