Measure, Report, and Reduce Your Scope 3 Emissions
Progressive businesses understand that sustainability delivers competitive advantage and bottom-line growth. Sustainable Solutions Corporation (SSC) is proud to support some of the world’s most sustainable companies by being their go-to partner for holistic sustainability strategies and individual initiatives throughout these programs.
There are multiple layers to your Scope 3 analysis. It starts with the Scope 3 Emissions Inventory and continues with ongoing Scope 3 inventories and supplier engagement. The goal is to improve data quality over time and eventually receive primary data from your suppliers.
Scope 3 emissions represent up to 90% of your company's emissions. You can’t calculate your Scope 3 emissions without conducting a Scope 3 Emissions Inventory. It is the critical first step in understanding which categories and suppliers have the biggest impact on your Scope 3 GHG emissions.
Expected Results of Scope 3 Emissions Inventory:
The expected results of a Scope 3 Emissions Inventory Analysis would be a pie chart indicating the top Scope 3 categories for your company. This information would offer a starting point for a deeper dive into the Purchased Goods and Services category.
This allows you to complete a more detailed and focused inventory that includes refined calculation methods. It also helps with starting a supplier engagement program for top suppliers.
Category 1: Purchased Goods and Services
Why Choose SSC?
Leveraging over 23 years of applied experience with a sole focus on sustainability, SSC acts as a trusted advisor to revolutionize business operations through sustainability. We have perfected a system that is designed for maximum return on investment and has helped hundreds of clients improve their bottom line and reduce environmental impacts.
SSC is proud to support some of the world’s most sustainable companies by being their go-to partner for holistic sustainability strategies and individual initiatives throughout these programs.
Podcast Episode
Podcast episode
MAY 15, 2024
New regulations as well as commitments and requirements from large organizations are pushing companies to measure Scope 3 emissions and set science-based targets. The truth is most companies often feel overwhelmed by the scale of this effort and don’t know where to start. In this educational webinar, Tad Radzinski provides actionable steps for measuring, reporting, and reducing your Scope 3 Emissions.
In this hands-on learning experience, Tad will discuss:
An Overview of Scope 1, 2, and 3 Emissions
Various Regulations and Market Drivers for Measuring, Reporting, and Reducing Scope 3 Emissions
Strategies for Measuring and Reporting Scope 1, 2, and 3 Emissions
Scope 3 Baselining/Hot Spot Process for Identifying Your Company's Top Scope 3 Categories
The Importance of Suppliers in Measuring and Reducing Scope 3 Emissions
Measuring and Reporting Scope 3 Emissions for Continuous Data Improvement