Zero Waste Facilities

As landfills continue to fill up, focusing on waste diversion reduction will no longer be optional. Every company will need to strive towards zero waste or they will be left behind. Instead of viewing this as another item on a never-ending to-do list, Sustainable Solutions Corporation (SSC) believes that this is an exciting opportunity to upgrade your processes to save money and valuable resources.

“I worked with SSC for seven years and I can’t think of a time where their work didn’t exceed my expectations. SSC not only cared about the success of our business and me as a client, they truly care about a more sustainable future.”

Drew Brandt, (Former) CertainTeed Corporation

Our philosophy is that any input that does not end up in the final product is “waste.” Waste equals lost profit and includes waste heat/energy/water; scrap product, waste raw materials, and support materials; packaging waste; and air and water emissions.

  • Waste diversion from landfill is the prevention of waste sent to landfill through waste minimization, recycling, reuse, composting and other means as defined by the acceptable means of diversion hierarchy.

  • Zero waste to landfill means that zero waste is disposed directly to landfill or to incineration without energy recovery by the particular facility. In order to achieve zero waste to landfill, an organization must send 100% of the waste streams to a downstream material management organization (MMO) with the intent to divert this material from landfill.


Waste Diversion Hierarchy

At SSC, our first step is to eliminate waste generation at the source. Waste minimization is the best approach to achieve zero waste to landfill goals as well as to provide significant cost savings. SSC evaluates multiple waste minimization techniques in order to find the right fit for your organization.

We believe that all materials utilized in a facility should end up in the final product, because waste represents lost resources and profit. This is why we conduct a careful analysis of your processes to determine if they can be redesigned to eliminate the waste entirely, or if the waste can be reused in a similar or different process. After evaluating waste minimization, redesign, and reuse techniques, SSC will find the best management methods for any remaining waste streams based on the material and location of the facility.

waste diversion hierarchy


Operation Zero Waste is an 8-step process created by SSC. There are two separate Operation Zero Waste processes; one for facilities and one for events. The Operation Zero Waste process for facilities is designed to help companies achieve zero waste to landfill at any facility, including manufacturing operations, corporate buildings, campuses, hotels and resorts, and retail facilities.

Operation Zero Waste for Facilities

8-step process to achieve zero waste to landfill for facilities

Developing a zero waste to landfill program is a complicated process and requires a deep understanding of all waste generated in a facility. Many operations, especially manufacturing, are complex with multiple waste streams ranging from hazardous regulated wastes to break room and cafeteria waste. SSC works with the facility staff to understand these materials and the current disposition and management methods. This includes quantifying and characterizing the waste through a physical site visit.

Once SSC has assessed all materials generated, we identify opportunities for waste minimization and diversion strategies. For difficult-to-manage waste streams, SSC uses our proven process to determine alternative management methods to avoid landfills. SSC's philosophy is to standardize all waste diversion activities at every facility within an organization. In order to achieve this, SSC creates playbooks and roadmaps for diverting waste from landfill on a consistent basis. SSC then provides comprehensive training to ensure the standard practices are understood and will be followed.



Operation Zero Waste for Events

8-step process to achieve zero waste to landfill for events

Zero waste to landfill programs for events can be especially complicated as they require careful planning prior to the event in order to be successful. SSC works with the event planners to understand the details of the venue and event, including all plans for food and beverages. Most events generate a significant amount of food waste, which could be as much as 60-70% of the total waste generated at the event. SSC conducts a physical site visit to understand the layout of the venue and any existing or planned infrastructure for waste management. Next, SSC identifies opportunities for waste minimization and diversion of all materials. 

For difficult-to-manage waste streams, which typically come from event set-up and tear-down, SSC uses our proven process to identify alternative management methods to avoid landfill. SSC creates playbooks and roadmaps to standardize all waste diversion activities and to ensure waste is diverted from landfills on a consistent basis. SSC provides comprehensive training to the event staff and vendors to establish a clear understanding of the materials that are acceptable for use in the event as well as the management methods for waste generated. SSC also trains the event staff, vendors, and volunteers to ensure the standard practices are understood and will be followed throughout the duration of the event.


These proven processes can help any organization achieve zero waste to landfill at their facility or event. This goal is essential for every company in order to recover valuable resources, save money, decrease their environmental impact, and to meet customer and stakeholder requests.


Case Study: Operation Zero Waste-SPLC Summit 2018

In 2018, SSC developed a waste diversion roadmap for MeetGreen to efficiently manage the hotel’s waste for an upcoming conference. This roadmap included:

  • Replacing disposable plates, cups, and cutlery with reusable materials

  • Eliminating single-serve condiments and sugar packets

  • Replacing paper towels with cloth towels

  • Working with kitchen staff for meal and portion planning to reduce food waste

  • Identifying and coordinating with MMO to provide composting services for the event


GreenCircle verified the event was Zero Waste to Landfill.

The Marriott hotel staff was so impressed by the changes implemented for the event that they decided to permanently adopt all new procedures.





In this document we discuss our Operation Zero Waste process and deliver valuable insight on difficult-to-manage materials, the role of recyclers in the journey to zero waste, how waste minimization can help you reduce your carbon footprint, and so much more. Click the button below to download!


Podcast episode

The Path to Waste Diversion and Zero Waste to Landfill Certification

Episode 30: The Path to Waste Diversion and Zero Waste to Landfill Certification

podcast episode

Episode 7: How Your Company Can Help Solve the Ocean Plastic Problem

Episode 7: How Your Company Can Help Solve the Ocean Plastic Problem

Podcast episode

A Roadmap to Reducing Waste with Denise Coogan from Subaru

Episode 18: A Roadmap to Reducing Waste with Denise Coogan from Subaru